Straight forward, pay as you go pricing. No hidden fees.
Try before committing to a monthly plan. No credit card required for the trial.
Seats Plans
$45 per month
Telephony & Messaging
$50 per month
$10 per month
Phone Numbers & Outbound Minutes
Maqsam's Super Network
Starting from $30 per month per phone number
Starting from $0.05 per outbound minute
Bring your Own Carrier (BYOC)
Starting from $0.017 per minute
Starting from $0.005 per message
Inbound Calls
Local Inbound Calls
2,000 free inbound minutes from most origins
then $0.02 per minute for inbound calls
APIs & Integrations
Telephony & Messaging APIs
CRM & Helpdesk Integrations
All Bundles Include
Everything you need from a Business phone!
Core Features
Free Setup fees
Free Admin Accounts
Full Custom Reporting
Export Data
APIs and CRM integration
Telephony features
Lowest Calling Rates
Local Phone Numbers
Unlimited Concurrent Calls
Fully Customizable IVR
Auto dialer
Messaging features
Lowest Messaging Rates
Free Messages Template
Whatsapp Business Account
Try before committing to a monthly plan. No credit card required for the trial.
Have a big team or need customization ?
Build a package that suits with your business needs. Request a quote to learn more!
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Frequently asked question
If the answer to your question is not on this page, please contact our sales.

What our clients have to say

"We rely on Maqsam to give us an edge in customer experience. Through Maqsam we were able to launch customer support in new markets with local numbers easily and go live in less than a day. Moreover, leveraging Maqsam’s APIs to integrate with our software empowered POSRocket to deliver seamless experiences via phone and WhatsApp channels."

- Wadi Hawi, COO

Powerful Cloud Connected Communications From MENA

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